A breakthrough is now being announced by WWW.HCAR.BIZ in this firm's automotive and energy research. We have found a patent by Shell Oil Company from the 1950's that has been suppressed. This patent was the solution to our modern high energy costs and the pollution caused by automotive vehicles. Shell Oil Company in collusion with the Major Car Manufacturing Companies have hidden from the public the method to preheat fuel before it enters the engine, so that a carbon free burn of the fuel occurs preventing carbon buildup in the engine that destroys the engine's internal parts. Furthermore the fuel is so completely burned that no air pollution is created and all of the expensive and engine damaging pollution controls like EGR valves, Catalytic Converters, high temperature water cooling thermostats, high pressure Direct Injection and all the other expensive computers and sensors that monitor these systems are no longer necessary. Additionally the number of kilometers per liter of fuel is extended to 2 to 4 times the distance that automobiles can drive nowadays. A car that now only gets 20 kilometers per liter can easily achieve 40 to 80 kilometers on one liter of gasoline. Watch the video below that details what the Shell Oil Company patent has hidden from the public for 70 years. Automotive companies are just as guilty due to their part in this Industrial Espionage against consumers. The car makers have sold millions of new engines to consumers because running so much fuel requires engines to be strained to their limits so the motors are destroyed often in 70,000 kilometers or even less. Both the Shell Oil Company and the Car Maker Companies have looted many many trillions of dollars from the excess fuel costs and engine repair costs that consumers have been unnecessarily paying for the last 70 years. WWW.HCAR.BIZ is working today with law firms in several countries to obtain court orders to force the Oil Companies and Car Companies to switch to these new fuel saving and pollution preventing systems hidden by Shell Oil Company. Here is a book that was mentioned in this video below proving everything seen in the video.

Watch this video about this preheating of the fuel before it enters the engine and see how Shell Oil Company has ruined our cities' air with needless air pollution since the 1950's. Please observe the radical fuel economy of 1000 miles per gallon (400 kilometers per liter) of gasoline that was achieved by Shell oil company in highly modified cars that preheated the fuel before burning it in the engine. This means that today with modern fuel injection, 100 kilometers per liter or 250 miles per gallon should be very easy to achieve using this preheating system.

Here is the book that was mentioned in this video above. This book proves everything seen in the video irrefutably in written text. So there is no way that any opposition can argue in court against our class action lawsuit. This type of class action lawsuit, where all citizens act as one legal entity, is now allowed in Germany as well as the U.S.A.

Here is a test generator converted to run water and gasoline inside a pre-refining processor using the Shell invention. We have modified the shell patent to use the 1998 patent modification by Paul Pantone that included an iron rod in the center of the fuel processing heat tube to add twice the surface area for reactions to take place. The water and gasoline is mixed and superheated inside of the inner tube that you can see in the 600 millimeter long vertical exhaust pipe. Notice that you can see the two fuel and water injectors on the very top of this vertical exhaust pipe. The gasoline is directly injected into the brass fitting at the top of the vertical exhaust pipe. The water is injected horizontally and you can see the water injector pointing sideways directly into the air intake of the machine. This allows the water injection to be visible. You can observe and confirm directly that water is injecting because you can see the water sprayed into the brass fitting by the injector in real time in this video. Then the gas and water mix and do not burn in the chamber, but react and the carbon is somehow eliminated and all that is left is oxygen, hydrogen and the hydrocarbon is no longer carbonized. The smell from the exhaust pipe is that of a summer breeze in the forest. Carbon pollution is eliminated. Please note that the two gauges seen on the desk are an EGT (exhaust gas temperature) meter on the left, and a Wide Band Lambda Fuel Ratio gauge on the right.
Here is a video about free energy that shows how it has always been sabotaged just like Shell Oil did to the preheated fuel systems they developed in the 1950's.
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